Forbidden Dream KRS Murthy Today, yesterday came to meet tomorrow to invite it to a party to be
held last year. It was the first birthday party for the child to be born next year to a couple to wed
next decade. They have never met before; Not sure if they would like each other. The wife is very happy
that her horoscope tells her that she will die in an accident next week. Guess what! You and I are invited
too! Einstein will be blessing the child, as the Godfather. Hitler will be the Rabbi! You know what
the Rabbis do to an innocent child! Mother Theresa wants to adopt the child and take it to the slums
of Calcutta to dump it there. She is convinced that Calcutta slums are the best place to raise a child. They
have the best schools. Prophet Mohammad, now settled in the bank of the dirty river Ganges in the city
of Banaras, will be the Hindu priest to conduct the marriage. Mohammad is a staunch devote of Hanuman,
the monkey God. Reverend Falwell sculpted, with serious devotion the golden statue of the monkey God in
the perfect image of Charles Darwin. Einstein has offered to take me in his rocket he personally built called
"Faster than Light". The travel is very long, and I hate the jet lag as it takes almost one second.
The party is being held in a black hole club. I am eager because Beethoven is singing from his latest
rap album. Do you hear someone waking you up? How long have you been in your coma? Did you say "All
of the 5th millennium"? Wake up soon! It is already time for Jesus Christ to be born. I am
glad, you are a good sport!
THE BIG BANG KRS Murthy The Heavens gate was opened wide and banged countless times last night.
The earth shook violently with quakes reverberating tearing the continents apart. Sky high
tidal waves rose from the seven seas. I entered your heart countless times drying up the bee hive
of all its nectar, as it oozed like hot spring, flowing all over its highway. Full with the never
ending feast served to the hungry diners the heaven's angels collapsed at the dining table, with a scream
reaching the ends of the galaxy.

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If someone other than me has written an article, I'll be sure to include a byline at the bottom.
This article contributed by Jane Turner.