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Dr. KRS Murthy enters the creative trance many times everyday.

When the cosmic genius enters the trance these are the orgasmic showers of secret whispers he bathes in to cleanse himself in ecstasy ....

There are new ideas and paradigm shifts almost everyday.


Here are some some lines I created as a challenge for other authors to compose poem around these lines. You may choose just one line, any combination of lines or lines taken separately; then, you may compose a poem around the line(s), using the line(s) in the beginning, middle or even at the end.

Try it! You may freely use poetic freedom to rearrange the words in the lines for rhyming and other poetic reasons.

You will find that this excercises your brain. You may also construct your own lines, and throw it as a challenge to me and others.

It will be interesting to see how different poets may compose different poems using the same lines!

Here are the lines:

1. Mothers milk is a bitter poison

2. Grandmas talk is wicked

3. Priests preaching is vicious

4. Brothers and sisters born enemies

5. Good never wins over evil

6. Son is older than his father

7. Life really starts after the death

8. Fire is very cool and soothing

9. Opposites repel each other

10. Ignorance is bliss

11. Mediocrity is superior to excellence

12. Pain is more bearable than pleasure

13. Less is always better than more

14. A dagger on the back is sweeter than a candy in the mouth

15. An ugly child is cuter than a beautiful one

16. Celebrate divorce first to get ready to mourn your marriage

17. Love your enemies and hate your friends

18. Bitterness is more palatable than honey

19. Hunger is more satisfying than eating to a full stomach

20. Silence is heard louder than a shout

21. Iron makes a more glamorous ornament than gold and diamond

22. Shoot me before you hug and kiss me

Word Creation Club International

English language has grown more than many other languages in the recent centuries. The growth has been due to the progressive and assimilative posture adopted by the language experts and the common English speakers. English has taken a lot of words from other Indo-Germanic and European languages. Sometimes foreign languages words have crept into colloquialism, while some words have been purposefully adopted. The last two centuries have seen many technical words being created derived from Greek and Latin origin. Progress in science, engineering and medicine in the last two centuries has also made it a necessity to coin new words derived from other languages, with significant contribution from Greek and Latin. English dictionary has been revised and enhanced routinely signifying the sanctification of the newly created and adopted words. Words that were italicized, hyphenated or used under quotation marks become accepted English words, loosing their punctuations.

However, the growth in English vocabulary has been out of necessity and to accommodate utilitarian need. However, I am pioneering an unprecedented movement in English language by creating new words and word combinations, and also developing a worldwide team who constantly create new words; the team will interact through internet and world wide web; the team members meet locally, regionally and internationally, thus feeding on the creativity of others in the team. The creators of the words will also use their creation in their writing, while expressing creativity in their authorship by using new words created by others. The creator of the word write the grammatical role of the new word, indicate any further grammatical derivatives and write some example usage in sample sentences and / or a chosen genres for illustration purposes.

The new words could be based on words in English or other languages, even though words with no specific roots in other languages are also encouraged. After all, new words of the latter type make this team really unique. Furthermore, potentially anyone can propose a new word.

To facilitate new word creation and categorization, I am giving below some words that I recently created with category names:

· Oxymoron Vocabulary

Peaceful terrorist

· Absurd Words

· Random Letters

· Words derived from the names and qualities of Animals

· Words derived from the names and qualities of inanimate objects

· Words derived from the names and qualities of famous people

· Words derived from famous events

· Words derived from phenomena


I have created a new category of poetry called Femto poetry.

The created femto poetry categories are: poems with few words; one word; few letters, one letter; only punctations; nothing!; disappearing poems; chronology of dialogue poems, all being femto poems; cluster (rearrangable) of femto poems, which can be read in a variety of sequences and groupings.

We can restrict the number of words for the title of the poem, so that one may not cheat the rules by using a very looooooooooooong title. For the examples, I have chosen the maximum length of the title to be eight words.

I have placed some of my poems in these categories on this web site.

Poem 1

Poem follows: It is a one-letter poem.

Title: Am I alone in the universe I created?

Poem: S.

PS: Please imagine the letter S big and bold. This is because the web site I created does not easily allow me to make the letter fonts VERY BIG and fancy, as I would like to have to produce the desired effect. Please note the period or full stop (as it is called in British grammar books). The period is also bold and is a BOLD punctuation.

Poem 2

Poem follows: This poem is a poem without any word or letter.

Title: Is the universe without purpose? ; Was it created?

Poem: !?!?!?!?!? ....................

Poem 3

Poem follows: Poem without any letters or punctuation!

Title: Is there anyone else in this universe?


PS: It is a no response!

Next idea: Disappearing poems! I will post the poem as soon as it reappears again!

Poem 4

Title: Am I the only one in the universe?


(Silence! Not even an echo!)

Poem 5.

Title: Did I create the universe?

Poem: S.

Poem 6.

Title: Who created God?

Poem: Human

Poem 7.

Title: Why was God born?

Poem: Yes, as a savior of his creator!

Please note the category stating: chronology of dialogue poems, all being femto poems; cluster (rearrangable) of femto poems, which can be read in a variety of sequences and groupings.

I am planning to start / initiate a small group of poets to work as a team, in both real and virtual brain storming meetings, to write real time and off-line the following poetry genres:

1. Chronology of dialogue poems, all being femto poems

2. Cluster (rearrangable) of femto poems, which can be read in a variety of sequences and groupings.

Please let me know if anyone is interested. Please notice that you do not need previous experience in writing poetry; however, you just need an open mind.

Please imagine that translating these poems from one language to others will be relatively very easy. This suite of poetry genre invented by me can become very popular.


Silent Brain Storming Technique (SBS)
Multiple Mind Conferencing (MMC) or Kaleidoscope Brain Storming (KBS)

"Romantic interplay between silence and interaction. Heavenly marriage of thesis and antithesis" - Dr. Murthy's Secret Whispers

KRS Murthy (Copy Right 1996)


(I am trying to implement this technique to "Talk back to Veda Vyasa" and "Talk back to Shakespeare". Please let me know if anyone one wants to implement it in other application environments)

Have you attended any brain storming sessions in your life? The sessions are normally run by a facilitator, who introduces the purpose of the session to the participants, explains the ground rules and coordinates the process. A note taker or scribe may be used to document all the ideas generated in the session. Generally, the session is open to any ideas. Important guideline is that no idea is too simple, stupid or wild.

I am presenting a new approach to the brain storming process, and also indicate some potential variations to the approach. At present, I have termed it as Silent Brain Storming or Mind Conferencing, even though the process is not completely silent. People who know my other research works may recognize the basic theme and approach. I call it Special Interplay Between Thesis And Antithesis. I have developed a novel paradigm in literature using this general theme. My approach makes efficient use of silence and communication interleaved in the brain storming session. Various degrees and modes of silence and communication are used as effective tools in this approach. My approach is based on the power of silence and especially its power as a supplement to communication oriented parts of the session.

My approach may seem anti-thematic at the first glance. However, you may recognize that my intention is to make the brain storming process holistic, by exploiting the different modes and degrees of silence, absence of communication and a variety of communication and interaction.

First Idea Generation Session

The session would start with a facilitator detailing the process steps used for the particular session. The session is conducted in a normal fashion with the participants speaking out their ideas in a round robin or random fashion for some duration. The facilitator can choose any format for this session. There are numerous brainstorming session techniques and format in use. It is a good idea to pick one comfortable for the facilitator and the participants.

Invoking the Silent Brain Storming Session

The facilitator or one of the assistants rings a bell. The guidelines of the Silent Brain Storming process would require for the participants to stop talking, and quickly get to the silent part of the session. In the silent mode the participants are required to come of up with more ideas, but not speak it out. They can write out the ideas. In addition, the participants would have to start guessing the ideas that others may be getting and writing. They may guess the ideas of their colleagues by name one at a time. For example, if the participants are A, B, C, D, E, F and G, then A would not only write his / her idea, but also guess what B, C, D, E, F, and G may have as their ideas. A would do this in a deep thinking process, based on the way others answered during the speaking part of the session. A would have to guess the way Bs mind works to make the best possible guess. A would have to almost think like B to do this effectively. Similarly, A would have to start thinking of the way all other colleagues may think, based on his / her mental model of others. A would also write out the guesses in a list against each of the other participants.

Please understand that all of them would be doing this simultaneously. After a reasonable time duration of this silent mode, the bell rings again indicating that the participants end the silent mode and get back to the second speaking session.

Presentation Session

In this session, each of them reads their own ideas, and also their best guesses of the ideas for others. The presentation made by A would look like the following:

· Ideas generated by A
· Guess of ideas of B
· Guess of ideas of C
· Guess of ideas of D
· Guess of ideas of E
· Guess of ideas of F
· Guess of ideas of G

During As presentation, others simply listen. Similarly, all the colleagues give their presentations. Discussions may not be done during the presentations.

Discussion Session

The presentations are followed by a detailed discussion session. In this session, the participants may discuss why and how they guessed about others. Each participant can also comment on the guesses of the other participants, and validate or clarify. The highlights and conclusions resulting from discussion could be scribed. The individual participants could also make their own notes. For example, their personal notes may contain their mental models and appropriate revisions of the creative thinking process of others.

Continuing Silent and Speaking Sessions

The successive sessions would repeat the session sequence already used. However, in the second and subsequent silent sessions, the participants are required to improve their guesses. It is very important to note that in these silent sessions each one will be thinking into deeper levels of others thinking. For example, the following increasing complexities of thinking would result:

· B would be thinking of his / her own ideas
· B would also be thinking of what A, C, D, E, F and G are thinking
· B would also be thinking of what A is thinking of B, C, D, E F and G.

Similar thinking complexities would be in all participants. This is like the participants minds acting as mirrors creating multiple reflections of each other. It is like a Kaleidoscope conferencing of the minds. Please note that the number of ideas generated would be many times more than done in any other normal brainstorming techniques, very much like the few small objects inside the Kaleidoscope giving rise to wonderful arrays and patterns. We could also call this technique Kaleidoscope Brain Storming (KBS).

After few successive and successful sessions a successive convergence and cross-fertilization would lead to an asymptotic approximation of their thinking process. Most importantly, they may not need to be talking to each other for their minds to be conferencing with each other. In fact, they can be as far geographically apart as they need to be for their routine life, but still efficiently conference with each other.

The most important aspect is the discipline developed by my silent brainstorming paradigm. Regular teams can be formed to practice this technique. It is a good idea for the team members to branch of and form new groups with other new members. It is also a good idea to have new members or visitors to the KBS team inducted routinely. Diversity of backgrounds is the key to freshness of ideas. True diversity in gender, age, ethnic background, educational levels, race, and personality types will ensure a fertile KBS team. It is like any ecological system. Stability of the KBS team ecology is good, but aberrations and perturbations only guarantee long-term growth.


Twin Poems

This genre is an invention of KRS Murthy

This poetic genre has two poems that can be written side-by-side. The two poems could carry similar themes. The poems may compliment each other. Here are some ideas to make the twin poems interesting:

One person may write both poems. Two cooperating poets may also write the poems. In this case, one poet may write on poem, while the cooperating poet may write its twin poem. The poets may decide to write both poems together. The twin poems do not have to be born at the same time. One poem may be written first, where as its twin may be written by the same poet or another poet at a later time. However, the form-factor of the original poem and its later born twin should be similar. Just two or more poems on similar themes may not belong to the genre of twin poems. Preferably there should be a line-by-line or stanza-by-stanza similarity in their form factor. However, slight variation may be acceptable, in which case they may be called un-identical twin poems.

For clarification, we may not categorize the two poems written on the London Bridge by Wordsworth and Longfellow as twin poems. These poems had the same focus on the London Bridge. There are no other similarities in form factor. They are more like cousin poems or sibling poems.

The poems may use similar sounding words. Homonyms may be ideal. Other rhyming words would also be OK. One can use a variety of rhyme techniques to include end rhyme, internal rhyme and beginning rhyme.

The most important thing is to have twin themes. Examples of twin themes are:

v Poems about very similar cities

The cities may be similar in population, culture, historical events, geography, natural richness or any structure. Twin poems can be written on the following cities:

q New York and Chicago. Any metropolises can be chosen to include
q Tokyo and New York
q Hong Kong and Taiwan
q Bombay and New York
q England and any New England city in USA
q Venice and Bangkok
q Minneapolis and St Paul

v Poems on similar people

The people may be similar in personality, looks, background and accomplishments, or any other commonality drawn up by the poet. Twin poems can be written for the following combination of people who have similar background and accomplishments:

q Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela
q Gandhi and Nelson Mandela
q Kennedy and Clinton
q Hitler and Saddam Hussein

v Poems on story characters

One can conceive of twin poems written on two (or more) characters in stories, mythology, or even cartoons / comics. Examples are:

q Lava and Kusha (in the Hindu mythology Ramayana. These were twin sons of the hero Rama)
q Arjuna and Karna or Duryodhana and Dushyasana (brothers in the Hindu epic Mahabharatha)
q You may even write twin poems on two characters from different mythologies, even of totally different cultures.

v Poems about similar rivers: The rivers may have many common qualities like shape, flow, origin, or terrain.

v Poems about similar birds, animals, forests and any thing in nature are other examples.

v Twin poem genre can create a lot of opportunities for poets who want to make their mark in the history of literature. Poetry written by many famous poets provides opportunity to write twin poems. If someone chose poems by famous English poets like Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, William Blake, Lord Byron, and also many modern poets, and then wrote twin poems for them, they can be read side by side. It also gives a challenge to the current poets and an outlet to their creative talents. Imagine your twin poem you would write for the immortal poets of literature.

v Twin poems are not limited to English. Any language of the world would have opportunities for twin poems. Think of Pablo Neruda in Spanish, some of the great Sufi poets, famous Urdu poets, the unparalleled Sanskrit poets, and the wealth of Chine and Japanese poets. It is mind boggling to think of the myriads of doors that Twin Poem genre can bring to poets in the future. It is a great experience to novices, amateurs and veteran poets alike.

v If one or more cooperating poets were to write both of the twin poems at the same, they may choose to write a line for one poem, and write the corresponding twin line at the same time, thus creating the twin poems line by line. Alternatively, this can be done stanza-by-stanza or for sections or even complete poem.

v Twin poems can be composed by two cooperating poets in a poetry slam. This extempore approach could also be good for two groups of poets, with the groups competing with each other. The gray matter will get a lot of action in such events.

v There is a discipline in Indian poetic and scholarly tradition called Ashtaavadhaana (Eight challenging experts in the panel) and Shathaavadhana (Hundred challenging experts in the panel). Avadhaana (Sanskrit) means attention. In this tradition, specially gifted scholars respond to a panel of experts from many subject areas with all in the panel allowed to ask any question any time. Poetry is always one of the subjects. The poetry expert in the panel would be asking the scholar on the stage to compose a poem, giving challenging conditions. For example, the first one may be giving a subject to start composing the poem. Intermittently, additional conditions / restrictions may include forbidding particular letters, words, concepts or the format. Indian poetry has numerous meters and forms, probably more than any language in the world. Twin poem challenge would be a good addition in these types of events.

v The poetic tradition really started in Sanskrit with greatest poets of all time like Veda Vyaasa, Vaalmeeki and Kalidaasa. Mahabharatha is the longest poetry ever composed in the history. No human being may surpass the superhuman poetic skills of this poet for many millenniums in the future! Surprisingly, even these poets did not develop the concepts of twin poems. They probably decided to leave this idea to be developed after few millenniums by a very ordinary man like me. May these great poets be blessed with immortality, as I was the fortunate person to develop this concept!


We can employ many techniques to present twin poems in a public poetry reading. Actual techniques to be selected may depend on the available readers and more importantly the audience. One poem may be read by a man, where as its twin can be read by another man to show different voices. Two women may also read the twin poems. Man-woman combination may also work well.

The lines of the two twin poems may be read alternately. For example, one reader reads the first line of one poem, and the second reader responds by reading the corresponding lines of its twin poem. This alternating style helps the readers appreciate the similarity between the poems, while admiring the difference in presentation in its twin poem.

Sometimes the single lines of the poems may not have enough content for the audience to completely appreciate the twin poems. In such cases, stanza comparison can be provided to the audiences by reading stanzas alternately, instead of lines. In this approach, the stanzas read at a time alternately in the two twin poems, so that the audience might appreciate the meanings of the complete stanzas.

The examples I have given are limited to what I thought of quickly. Please feel free to suggest.

I wanted to quickly place the basic idea on the web and also send them to my poet friends and poetry enthusiasts. I am documenting more ideas on twin poems. I will send another version shortly with more ideas documented.

KRS Murthy

Poem in a poem or is it a poem around a poem!
(The poem in a poem concept and techniques were developed by KRS Murthy on Jan 12, 2001)

This form of poetry will have one or more poems inside a longer poem completely embedded and integrated in the combination. For example, a haiku may be embedded in a longer poem. When the complete poem is read, it would look like a monolithic poem, where as the Haiku may be independently read with complete meaning. The Haiku may be in the beginning, middle or at the end. The poem may have more than one poem integrated inside it. In general, the main poem may have a poem inside it, with another smaller poem inside it. The main poem may be skillfully composed with, for example, 10 lines, where as the lines 2 through 8 may be an independent poem, whereas lines 5 through 9 may be another independent poem.

The poems inside the main poem may need not necessarily start from beginning of a line, but just start from middle of the line, and end at the middle of a line. The poem inside may also be made of chosen lines, not necessarily made up of contiguous order.

The embedded poem in a larger poem may not necessarily be readable in linear, continuous and progressive ways. A combination of lines, phrases and words may be the embedded poem. The lines could be read in reverse, or any nonlinear order.

Techniques for composing poem in a poem

Instead of thinking of a poem in a poem, one can approach the task as wrapping a poem to create a longer poem.

One can take a poem and write a poem around it to wrap it around and to create the main poem. It would be interesting if the wrapping poem can completely change the theme, mood, meaning, and genre of the poem.

One can take two or more poems and wrap them around to create the total poem.

A simple way is to take a poem and continue it to make it longer. A skillful poet may be able to create unexpected and exceptional effect in wrapping the poem including the theme, mood and genre.

When a poem is wrapped around a normal poem could be converted into an absurd poem. Similarly, an absurd poem may be able to converted into a poem with deep meaning and theme by a skilled poet.

Positive statements could be converted into negative statements. Assertive statements could be converted into interrogatory or exclamatory statements.

Poetic Metamorphosis

In this technique, a poem is taken, and with very little change, modified to create a metamorphic poem to produce a very different theme, meaning or mood.

The change could be addition, deletion, substitution, interchange or exchange of words, phrases or lines of the poem.

Creative Ideas in Poetry

Absurd / Nonsense Poetry With and without any serious meaning

¨ Poetry mania - All forms or writing, everywhere - Poetry invasion Poetry invades humans and human life. Dictatorship poetry:

o Bills, checks, note pads, notices, napkins, receipts, fortune cookie (not just in Chinese restaurants)
o Menu poetry in restaurants - recipe or ingredients in poetic format
o Invoices, flow charts, view graphs, bill boards, rock carving, graffiti
o Buses, trains, airports - Poetry reading while people are waiting for flights, eating in airport restaurants
o Airplanes - poetry reading on the airplane in flight done by the air hostesses
o TV, film credits, titles,
o Bathroom tissue
o Poetry tattoos

¨ Poetry diagrams or diagram poetry
¨ Picture poetry, picture and poetry Art work or photo
¨ Poetry in dance, Dance poetry, Poetry and dance combination
¨ Poetry and mime, mime poetry, poetry and mime combination
¨ Poetry for the deaf Sign language poetry Combined with regular reading
¨ Slow dose poetry Only one line, stanza or word per day, hour, week Sent on internet, read on television or in other poetry reading forums
¨ Marriage invitation poetry other invitations, greeting cards
¨ Business note poetry Business notes sent to colleagues, customers and suppliers al in complete or part poetic form
¨ Opposite statements Different lines, phrases or stanzas carry opposite meaning from each other
¨ Alternatives words, phrases, lines, stanzas
¨ Intentional replacements Intentional replacements of words, phrases or stanzas to create a different or specially intended poetic meaning
¨ Intentional misspelling - Intentional misspelling of words, phrases or stanzas to create a different or specially intended poetic meaning
¨ Tree chart poetry The words, phrases or stanzas arranged in a tree chart specially useful for techniques using opposites, replacements and misspelling.
¨ Branch poetry Useful in small tree poetry or flow chart poetry.
¨ Many of these techniques can be effectively implemented using branching to a different part of the page, different page or even different web site using the world wide web. HTML and XML type of languages can be very effectively used for these techniques.

¨ Plato said . Aristotle said .. Lincoln said. Bernard Shaw said .. and What I say about it.

¨ Equation Poetry One example of equation poetry is using the semblance of simultaneous equations. Simultaneous equations come in pair. We may be able to use expressions in place of equations. The poem could start with a preamble as needed. The two equation / expression type lines would follow. These lines would further be followed by some type of discussion similar to solving the equations. The poem could end with concluding lines after solving the topic, and an additional set of post amble lines.

¨ Theorem Poems The theorem poems would follow the elements of a mathematical / geometry theorems. Presentation, argument, conclusion, and corollaries.

Reading Techniques

¨ One One person reads the complete poem. One person reads in a variety of voices (men, women, kids, cartoons, animal), intonations, dictions, voice modulations, accents
¨ Two Two people read Can be a combination of men, women, kids - each read a word, phrase, line or stanza
¨ Few small groups like three or four - each read a word, phrase, line or stanza
¨ Groups larger groups each read a word, phrase, line or stanza
¨ Dialogue format Two or more people read, but in a dialogue mode This technique requires poems with dialogues
¨ Original and translation Both original and translation are read by one or more people
¨ Original and supplementation Original is supplemented with words, phrases, lines and stanzas. The supplementation should be creative and interesting, as well as add a new poetic perspective.
¨ Original and different re-compositions - Original poem is recomposed with words, phrases, lines and stanzas. Mostly it is a complete re-composition keeping the theme. It is as if a new poet would write the same poem in place of the original poem. The re-composition should be creative and interesting, as well as add a new poetic perspective.
¨ Alternative versions by the same poet The same poem can be supplemented or recomposed by the original poet.


Creative Beginnings
Creative techniques in starting a story
Love at First Sight

KRS Murthy

NOTE: I have given the techniques of implementation at the end.

Number One

I always wanted to write a short story. Every time I started writing it did not come out well. It got to be a boring start. That is because I had read too many short stories in my life. When I closed the door of my room and started writing the first few sentences, I used to see a shadow walking in my room. I felt as if someone tapped on my shoulder. Someone pulled my hair. I shouted, "Dont pull my hair it hurts. You are disturbing my hair. I just combed it." What is this? The ghosts do not leave me alone. I really want to be myself and not in anyone's shadows.

I was getting annoyed. I got upset and said, "Could you all leave me alone? I do not want any ghosts and shadows around me. I do not want any of you to sneak into my story. Can I get a chance to write a story that is totally out of this world?"

Comments / Instructions

Try to continue the story. The author of the story is part of the story. There are few options:

The ghosts leave the author alone. He starts creating the characters one at a time, releases them into the room, and starts talking to them. They talk to him and start advising the author of how to continue. Soon all the characters have different points of view of how to continue the story. They start arguing against the each other, while they also start taking sides for selected characters. The author wants to join in and add his / her point of view.

The characters start ignoring the author. The author gets really angry and threatens to end the characters life because he created them. The characters laugh at the author and start teasing him / her and taunting on many things about his / her personal appearance, personality and character (character of the author). Some characters even mock the author. Now go ahead, write the story and continue.

Number two

I had just died. I had finished my last breaths. People started crying very loud. It was a great relief. I had been cocooned in this body for over 90 years. I could not bear the pain anymore. I am so glad that the life ended.

Comments / Instructions

Let us notice what happened. The story started after I died. From now on it is all about me after I died. I have one of two simple options to continue the story. I can continue my story telling everything happening from this point forward. The second option is to recount my life, I mean when I was alive, and come back to my current state of recently dead man (or is it corpse). Because the time has elapsed as I told the story, people may have taken my corpse away for funeral rites.

Number Three

God never liked me. He was not happy that I was enjoying in the heaven. He never smiled at me. He always frowned at me. When it came to draft someone to go to the earth and suffer, he tricked the whole draft lottery system. After all, he knows magic! He even smiled very pretty when he took out the names. He had also mesmerized all the inmates of the heaven. Firstly, they were all idiots. They did not know that he was tricking the system. Secondly, he was good to them. He always liked stupid people as long as they were obedient to him. He never liked anyone questioning his authority, decisions, and talking back to him.

He opened the list he is supposed to have picked on a fair basis. Before he started reading, he gave another of his fake smiles. I was the first person in the list. I had to pack and get ready right away, because my birth was scheduled in few seconds.

Comments / Instructions

What are my options? I have only few precious seconds left in the heaven. How do I feel? Keep in mind that the story should end as soon as I am born. In fact, the story should happen and finish before I am born.

Number Four

Short stories are for people who cant write any other genres. Firstly, they are not competent to write poetry, for a poet is born with a rainbow lens built into the brain. A novel demands the author to keep the attention of the reader for hundreds of pages. Drama is another genre in which the author has to think in many dimensions. The dramatist needs to have plot, characters to run the plot, a series of scenes and set up to play the roles, and most importantly supply the characters with dialogues. The dramatist needs to think in dialogues.

So, why am I writing a short story now? I will tell you as long as you hear the answer from me and keep your mouth shut really tight. People do not like straight talk. This is what happened when I was really tired and went to bed. I heard a baby cry. I kept saying to myself Why do people make babies, if they cant feed it? Making babies takes almost no effort. All animals do it. Even insects do it. People should keep to themselves not making babies, if they cant feed the child and let it grow healthy and proud.

I tried to ignore it went back to bed. I always put blanket over my head and let no air go in. The cry would not stop. It was some kind of a tragic cry. It looked like the baby was really hungry or sick. I decided to get up and go to the neighbors house, where the cry came from. People were all standing around the baby helpless. I asked them what had happened. They had no idea. They had the regular milk bottles in their hand. They said, "We have been feeding this baby formula for so long. They always cried. But, when we fed the formula the child would generally stop. For some unknown reason, the baby is refusing to drink the baby formula. We have in our hands the baby formula from few brands in the store. We are all afraid that he baby is in some kind of severe danger this time."

I went closer to the baby and smiled. The baby stopped crying a little bit and smiled. I took it in my hand and said, "What is happening? You dont like the baby formula any more?" The baby smiled again. "Do you want to drink something else? We can feed you so many things." The baby smiled and giggled. I said, "Do you want to come with me and eat some fruits, and may even be some spicy food? We can also go out and play. We can play different things on different days. We can play with other kids if you like." The baby started jumping springing on my waist as I was holding it in both hands.

I asked them if I could take the baby for some time and bring it back. I said, "The baby really belongs to you. I am sure that you love the baby. Let me keep it with me for a while and return it. I have my own babies to care. May be, your baby may like to play with me and my babies and grow up a little." They nodded. I hoped they trust me. They could see that the baby stopped crying as soon as I smiled and took it in my hands.

I asked them, just before I left, "How old is the baby?" They were perplexed by my simple question. "We have no idea. We have had it for many years. Before we came in and started feeding the baby, there were other people who had this baby for over forty years. They all died. They told us to feed the baby with this baby formula. We have been using this formula since they told us. They have used it for all the years they had this baby. They got the baby from others before them."

The baby looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. It was really time to go. I wanted to ask them what they did for living and also about their interests and passion. I also wanted to ask them the name of the baby.

Some how, I decided to leave with the baby. I wanted to call the baby with a different name anyway. I have always liked to give babies creative names.

This event is still fresh in my memory. I have brought a lot of babies home in my life. They have all come from different families. I like to raise babies to become big and strong. This baby that I brought has grown so well and healthy, that no would dare call it Short.

Comments / Instructions

What do you want to be in this story: the one who took the kid to his / her home or one of the other people who gave up the kid?

Implementation Techniques

Firstly, the hints or only hints for those who may need help. It is actually a good idea to be creative and develop the story anyway it goes based on the creativity and writing skills of the collaborating author(s).
Option A

The story is continued and completed by one author. Totally there would be only two collaborating authors.

Option B

The story is continued and developed by two or a small group of well-qualified authors. It is helpful if this small group of authors know each other well and understands each others styles.

Option C

The story is developed and continued by a pass it on technique. There are advantages and disadvantages in the "pass it on" technique. I have participated in such programs especially in poetry. While it lets many people to participate, the story or poetry looses continuity and a unified writing style. In addition, a single person or a small group of people will not have responsibility to keep the work moving or concluding. It is a fun type of project with serious problems. If we can limit it to very clearly known few individuals, with experience and proven competence in writing, this "pass it on" technique would work better, while involving more than few.

The pass it on approach may be good for web based implementation, especially increasing author and reader participation, and attract many eyeballs!

Publishing Techniques

Internet is a very good medium for publishing this form of Collaborative Creative Writing. Hyperlinks are used to connect the different parts of the story. Firstly, an overview and introduction is given readers to browse through and read the story. The story would continue till the first author has passed it on to the second author. A hyperlink is provided at the baton passing point. Single hyperlink would suffice, if only one collaborative author continues the story. If multiple authors have continued at this point, multiple hyperlinks are shown. Multiple hyperlinks at any one or many baton passing points would make the story interesting with many possible continuation tracks and ending. The reader can choose one or multiple versions of the story to read and enjoy. This will also be a good exercise for story interest groups. Kids, youngsters and adults may enjoy this, while it makes the readers to get involved and discuss merits of the different versions. It encourages the readers to be creative and may sometimes trigger them to become authors.

It is a good idea to provide a story map in a tree form (similar to tree version of site maps provided for web sites). Alternatively, it may also be helpful to provide pop-up multiple- choice menu at the baton passing points. In paper publication, this can be implemented by continued on page XX type of links.

Please feel free to suggest few very highly qualified writers. I believe in quality and involving responsible people in the "Group Writing" program.

Please feel free to contact:

KRS Murthy at

(408)-219-2236 if like to try continuing these stories.