SPECIAL INVITATION I am extending a special invitation to participate in a novel literary tradition described below.
I will be writing more formal details. I am open for participation by you and anyone you recemmend. This is really a people's
project. Murthy
TALK BACK TO SHAKESPEARE (Basic Concepts and Format developed by KRS Murthy) PRELUDE I humbly invite
all you to participate in setting up a novel tradition in literature and art. Please feel free to invite your friends and
other literary enthusiasts to participate in this project. I have developed the basic concepts and format for a new
literary tradition. I envision this to be a project for people, run by the people and for the benefit of the people. "People"
could be scholars and novices, adults or youngsters, and most importantly of all languages, backgrounds and cultural / art
/ literary interests and accomplishments. It is time that we really talked back to these literary masters and asked
them directly anything all of us want to really ask. In general, my intention and vision is to lay the foundation
for a novel tradition of talking back to authors. Please Note: I have intentionally not documented the details, for
it is a peoples project. Theme and Vision This is actually a peoples project for setting a novel tradition
of direct debate and discussion with the authors of famous works. The debate will take the form of dialogues, critical and
constructive discussion groups and extravagant theatre presentations. This is a master plan for critical and constructive
dialogue with the greatest literary master of all times. The vision is to set up a foundation for a new tradition of continuing
dialogue for many years and generations of scholars and literary enthusiasts. The foundation will set the stage for a new
approach to study literary masterpieces, applicable to all languages. This is only a high level overview of the plan.
Details will be developed with a team of motivated and creative core group. During deployment of the dialogue and critical
analysis, both scholars and novices would be encouraged to participate actively. Debates and discussion of special
characters In the first project, we will be talking back to Shakespeare. I have chosen Shakespeare because I have
the greatest admiration for him for his contribution to English literature. Great authors like him had superhuman literary
gifts. These authors have mesmerized generations by their great writing. These authors have spoken to their readers through
characters, events and even direct messages in their stories, poetry and especially dramas. We can also talk back to the authors
through the same characters that talked to us. For example, as authors, we could create a drama in which Shakespearean characters
talk back to Shakespeare. The drama we create may have characters from only one of his dramas, or a combination of characters
from his different dramas. We could even be creative and come up with our own characters. The central person we talk back
to is Shakespeare, but through his characters. We could create events in our drama in which the characters (potentially from
different Shakespearean dramas) interact with each other and debate and discuss among them, and also with Shakespeare. As
an example, let us imagine a scene in King Lears court in his palace. The scene could start with King Lear presiding and many
characters from Shakespeares dramas present in his court. The characters in the kings court may not have to be limited from
the drama "King Lear", but also other dramas like "Romeo and Juliet", "Mac Beth" or "Othello".
After few tradition dialogues and little proceedings in the kings court, someone demands that they bring in Shakespeare. Soon,
Shakespeare is brought dragged into the court by some soldiers. The characters start questioning Shakespeare about some situation
of his drama or the motive behind the shaping of a particular character. Juliet may be in tears very angry with Shakespeare
and accuse him of what happened to her and her lover Romeo. Shakespeare responds. Some other character from another drama
may come to the rescue of Juliet, while another character may support Shakespeare in the discussions and debates. King Lear
may declare that Shakespeare be subjected to the same fate he was subjected to, when Fool may speak on behalf of Shakespeare.
It can even take the form of cross-examining Shakespeare by different characters. In time, the topic may turn into another
character like Othello. Please keep in mind that in all of these dialogues, debates and cross- examining, we as, dramatists
or authors, are really talking back to Shakespeare. Please also note that this is really completely opposite and
reciprocal to dramatists like Shakespeare talking to us as his readers through his characters. We are using his own characters
to talk back to him. Many corollaries are possible to this central technique, in which we may use any genre of literature
like poetry, short story, novel, and drama to implement the "talk back to the author" tradition. We can choose a
poet like William Wordsworth or William Blake to write a poem (or even a drama) using the "talk back" technique.
We may choose a novelist or short story writer. We can incorporate humor as needed. Examples of our intentions would
be the following: * Raise a lot of issues on the theme * Analyze characters * Question the author
on the treatment of characters * Debate with the author on moral and social values * Dialogue with the author
on the selection of heroes versus villains * Understand the intentions of the author through direct discussions about
good guys versus bad guys * Pin point to the author on disturbing events and discuss regarding potential alternative
events and other potential alternative tracks for the story. * Understand the authors intentions on the creation
of VIP characters. Implementation and Deployment Techniques * Parallel efforts in all languages *
Team effort with open participation by all - novices and scholars would be participating different levels of activities.
* Many genres would be created - poetry, drama, essays, discussion with a potential for a movie * Many debate
and discussion groups are encouraged around the world. * Encourage a lot of people to read literature seriously,
not merely read passively, but critically and constructively. * Encourage kids and youngsters to understand with
a questioning and constructive mind * Increase worldwide awareness of great literature in all languages around the
world. * Encourage translations of the masterpieces to many more languages * In addition to taking current
interpretations, encourage expanded constructive interpretations. * Use internet for publicity, awareness, coordination
and distribution. * Encourage all web-based forums to participate and cooperate. * Hold interim discussion
groups on web and in many parts of the world * Use characters in the masterpieces to ask questions back to its creator
- the author.
TALK BACK TO VEDA VYAASA (Basic Concepts and Format developed by KRS Murthy) PRELUDE Dear
Scholars and Literary Enthusiasts, I humbly invite all you to participate in setting up a novel tradition in literature
and art. Please feel free to invite your friends and other literary enthusiasts to participate in this project. I
have developed the basic concepts and format for a new literary tradition. I envision this to be a project for people, run
by the people and for the benefit of the people. "People" could be scholars and novices, adults or youngsters, and
most importantly of all languages, backgrounds and cultural / art / literary interests and accomplishments. I have
chosen Veda Vyaasa because I have the greatest admiration for him. Great authors like him and Vaalmeeki had superhuman literary
gifts. These authors have mesmerized generations by their great epics to the extent of making all of us believe and even worship
some of the characters developed by them. We have even built temples for the characters believing them to be Gods. People
have named their children, cities, and streets after the great characters of these epics. The characters have lived in our
dreams, lives and art. It is time that we really talked back to these literary masters and asked them directly
anything all of us want to really ask. In general, my intention and vision is to lay the foundation for a novel
tradition of talking back to authors. Please Note: I have intentionally not documented the details, for it is a
people's project. THEME AND VISION This is actually a people's project for setting a novel tradition
of direct debate and discussion with the authors of famous epics like Mahaabharatha and Raamayana. The debate will take the
form of dialogues, critical and constructive discussion groups and extravagant theatre presentations. A simple example for
Mahaabhaaratha would be for characters like Karna, Abhimanyu, Ekalavya, Kunthi and Draupadi to face off Veda Vyaasa in debates,
cross examinations, and constructive discussions. Some of the characters would be discussing and debating between themselves
on various issues of importance, in theatrical presentations. In addition, the projects would have debates in discussion
panels in which one scholar would assume the role of Veda Vyaasa, while other take the roles created by Vyaasa. In all forms
of the deployment of the project, the author is subjected to cross-examinations directly by the characters. This
is a master plan for critical and constructive dialogue with the greatest literary master of all times, Veda Vyaasa. The vision
is to set up a foundation for a new tradition of continuing dialogue for many years and generations of scholars and literary
enthusiasts. The foundation will set the stage for a new approach to study literary masterpieces, applicable to all languages.
Similar projects could be initiated for other literary masterpieces by authors like Vaalmeeki, Kalidaasa and Bhaasa
in Sanskrit. Shakespeare would be candidate for such projects in English. This is only a high level overview of
the plan. Details will be developed with a team of motivated and creative core group. During deployment of the dialogue and
critical analysis, both scholars and novices would be encouraged to participate actively. In the first project,
we will be talking back to Veda Vyaasa on his masterpiece literary creation Mahaabhaaratha. Examples of our intentions would
be the following: * Raise a lot of issues on the theme * Analyze characters * Question the author on
the treatment of characters * Debate with the author on moral and social values * Dialogue with the author on the
selection of heroes versus villains * Understand the intentions of the author through direct discussions about good guys
versus bad guys * Pin point to the author on disturbing events and discuss regarding potential alternative events and
other potential alternative tracks for the story. * Understand the authors intentions on the creation of VIP characters
like Krishna * Ask the author for the reasons of interlocking relationships with other epics like Raamaayana.
Debates and discussion of special characters Characters of special interest are: Seriously disadvantaged:
Karna, Ekalavya, Draupadi, Kunthi, and Abhimanyu Unnecessarily privileged: Arjuna, Bheema, Krishna, Draupadi,
Nakula and Sahadeva. Over idealistic characters: Bheema, Dharmaraaya, Vidura Authors involvement:
Vyaasa and other sages fathering of too many important people in the epic. Incapacitated characters: Paandu,
Drutharaastra Moral Values: Arranged impregnations of many important characters. Child bearing out
of wedlock: Kunti, Matsyagandha Implementation and Deployment Techniques 1 Parallel efforts in all languages
2 Team effort with open participation by all novices and scholars would be participating different levels of activities.
3 Many genres would be created poetry, drama, essays, discussion with a potential for a movie 4 Many debate and
discussion groups are encouraged around the world. 5 Encourage a lot of people to read Mahaabharatha seriously, not merely
read passively, but critically and constructively. 6 Encourage kids and youngsters to understand with a questioning and
constructive mind 7 Increase worldwide awareness of the epic around the world. 8 Encourage translations of the epic
to many more languages 9 In addition to taking current interpretations, encourage expanded constructive interpretations.
10 Use internet for publicity, awareness, coordination and distribution. 11 Encourage all web based forums to participate
and cooperate 12 Hold interim discussion groups on web and in many parts of the world 13 Use characters in the epic
to ask questions back to its creator Vyaasa: Examples: * Karna would directly interrogate Vyaasa and
challenge him on the creation of the character and the ways character has serious discriminative disadvantages starting from
childhood. * Ekalayvya would challenge Vyaasa for the sacrifice of his thumb. * Abhimanyu will ask questions and
ask if his character could have been treated more sympathetically. Even Arjuna joins the discussion. * Shakuni demands
reasons for making him the master villain manipulator. NEXT STEPS This is how I envision the first few steps.
The actual track the program takes really should be by people participation, and not only by me. 1 Create awareness
and obtain buy-in from the scholars and enthusiasts. 2 Conduct some pilot projects of discussion groups, drama and debates.
3 Based on the response, plan and launch a larger scale campaign. PILOT PROGRAMS I need help, support,
advice and especially full-hearted involvement by literature pioneers / enthusiasts like you in spreading the concept, refining
the concept and trigger pilot programs. The pilot programs can be very simple. For example, it can take a simple focus with
a title like "Karna talks back to Vyaasa". In a debate or panel debate mode, there would be two sides on the stage.
On one side would be Karna as the main character, with supporting characters like Duryodhana, Dushyasana, Kunthi
... These characters are really scholars (well prepared and equipped for the debate) with or without any costumes. Being debate,
costumes are not important. Both men and women can take any role if the costume is not necessary. On the other side
would be the "Vyaasa team". This team can take two forms: 1 Many scholars (well prepared and equipped)
can play the part of Vyaasa at the same time. Any one or more Vyaasas can respond to the question / challenge / statement
made by the opposing team. 2 One Vyaasa supported by some characters of Mahaabharatha. Examples would be Krishna,
Vidura ... MOST IMPORTANTLY, the following are the benefits of such a debate panel: 1 The panel debate would
be recorded (audio and or video), for simultaneous scribe, supplemented by later documentation. Press (including internet
reporters) could be invited so that people not being able to attend the panel debate would be able to read / view / hear the
summary. 2 This would trigger scholars of many types of genres to write poetry, drama, essay or story. The benefits
are similar to that of a brain storming session. 3 Based on the ideas and challenges presented by Karna team and
the responses of the Vyaasa team, dramatists could prepare drama dialogues. This is better than a solitary dramatist trying
to write it. Many heads are better than a lonely one. The dramatist could credit the scholars of the panel debate. Please
understand that this type of writing a drama has never been attempted. This could make a new wave of dramas and movies to
be made. Internet / web as a powerful medium: Web sites could be the forum for such web based panel debates.
We could invite scholars of your choice. We can have a separate forum for the readers to respond. You never know, if the reader
forum could generate very good responses! Another advantage is that it is inherently documented as scholars and readers respond!!!!
Please feel free to send your comments, ideas and feedback to add to my initial thoughts. There are very
talented directors and organizers who can make this type of panel a success. They can make it dramatic to attract a lot of
crowd. Please let me know how you could participate in the new wave creation. Dr. KRS Murthy, (408)-219-2236
Murthy's New Poems
CREATIVE TECHNIQUES IN POETRY KRS Murthy Equation Poetry One example of equation poetry is using the
semblance of simultaneous equations. Simultaneous equations come in pair. We may be able to use expressions in place of equations.
The poem could start with a preamble as needed. The two equation / expression type lines would follow. These lines would further
be followed by some type of discussion similar to solving the equations. The poem could end with concluding lines after solving
the topic, and an additional set of post amble lines. Theorem Poems The theorem poems would follow the
elements of a mathematical / geometry theorems. Presentation, argument, conclusion, and corollaries.
INFATUATED WITH THE VIRGIN KRS Murthy Ah! I am a lucky person. I always get to court the virgin. It
is a great feeling to be the first. Pleasant surprise of the blessing, a gift from heaven, when I am the one tattooing
my name on the virgin beauty. Virgin smells and tastes divine. She moans for the first time as I impress
my creative manhood. The virgin moans, "First time is the best time". It is always ringing in my ear.
A clear sign of Eve in orgasm. The incomparable pride of the feeling that the virgin heart waited all along
to make love to me for the first time. The taste of discovery is an ego boost from the pride of victory to
hoist my flag. To smell the virgin soil as no footsteps anywhere to be found is a fortune crown fitting the
king perfectly at coronation. I feel like Neil Armstrong landing down from my creativity spacecraft opening
the doors wide for a new land, new pasture ready for occupation. How did you feel Prof. Einstein? How
did you feel, as you were riding the beam of light? Don't try to hide from my sixth sense, for your dance
profile plays on my intuition mind, even in my dreams. Go ahead! Hide anywhere you like I can always
come from behind to seek you and grab you by surprise embrace. I can spot you in all your hiding places, in
the colorful gardens of the enchanting art amidst the imagination woods of the myriad words, riding on the waves
of the sea of sounds, disguised in the contraptions of the computing machines, rooted in the fundamental laws
of the endless complex universe. Hi Sweetie! I know where you are hiding. You can hide in any land of your
choice. I can smell your apple from oceans apart. Hunger for the apple juice has taken control of me. Once
you share the apple with Eve, every other fruit tastes bitter. Oh! What a feeling to be addicted to the
SECRET SEDUCTION KRS Murthy It was a love at first sight. The moment my mind's eye saw your imagination,
I fell into your trap. You are the most beautiful I have ever known: Your curvy imagination; your
vocabulary biceps and triceps; the way every word glisters; in your lines you weave. Oh the concept costumes that
look good only on you is a turn on. The metaphor jewelry, the revealing meanings draw my attention.
Your flirt as your lines dance hypnotically in front of my mind. They all grab me with seduction. I
can't control my secret desires Not even for a second. Let me strip my inhibitions, to reveal the magnetism of
love? Dreams of embrace, ecstasy of infatuation. Just the thought makes my mind all wet. Saliva oozes from
my brain. Pleasure of the warmth as the blood rushes kicking all neurons wild. Tingling sensations, as
the head swells to galactic proportions My brain gets erect and hard just thinking of you. Come on! Let us
dance. Romantic desires of my fiction with your fiction. My mind yearns uncontrollably to get into bed
with your brain. What a sweet honeymoon! You are dead long go, but not gone anywhere. Don't even worry.
You are dead, but immortal. Your charm is always alive. You come back to life every time, invoked by soaking
the brain with your fiction. Don't be shy! You never know, we may have a great offspring, to become
the greatest fiction of all times. Selective breeding : Your unparalleled imagination with my mischievousness;
Vocabulary to exceed yours and mine, with all my naughty playfulness of word and idea juggling Your discipline
with my passion. Contorted concepts, bizarre to the bewildering; Magical rendezvous that even the nature
can't claim. Nature was never great in fiction. That is why it created humans; Not all those idiots who can
barely think, but the likes of you and me, who are just giant heads and no limbs. We can be anything
you want us to be: Adam and Eve for a new creation. I can guarantee you The joy you never knew Don't
complain if you succumb to the addiction of my secret love potion. We can play all we want in a never-ending
orgasm. Positions, techniques and tantras to count to infinity. They can all be our secret. Blessed with
creative virility are destined to create the fiction child We can sing a fiction duet on fiction affairs Let
us play out our passion. I am selfish for I do not want to share you with anyone, dead alive or yet to be
born. You may be the best in fiction, but it will be our little secret, for you will remain nameless!
ARE YOU READY? KRS Murthy Hey you! Yes. I mean you, the questioning mind, one with all the medals.
It is time for the BIG one! Can you be my accomplice? Let us do something really forbidden Are
you ready? Are you listening? Let us get to the bottom. Strip the sacred Cut open the heads of the
noble minds. Listen to the secrets Peep into the vaults hiding the skeletons in their soul closet.
Tape every word and even their secret hisses too; no, not the mantras, but the noise in their heads.
Photograph them all, not just their innocent faces, but all the dirt. Can we open the sacred robes of
the monks and the nuns to strip search their mind just to see if they look like me and you inside their head
and heart? Let us line them all up, dead and alive, old and new. Of course, I want them all from
all colors and shades of all religions. Remember well! I want the leaders too, no holds barred. Bring
your hidden cameras that can shoot in the dark. Not just infrared, but also x-rays, alpha waves and beta waves.
Let us cut their heads and hearts open. Zoom, zoom, zoom ... Bring all the microscopes. Why are you
afraid? Of course, I can't leave your favorite monk out. I know your mother, father, and all your kith
and kin will hate you forever. Didn't you hear me saying "No holds barred"? I mean it. They
won't bite. Can't curse. They better not curse! Isn't cursing not allowed as part of the oath when they
got the fancy robes? They may only try to run! But, they can't hide, too long. Come on! Move!
Don't just stand there! Are you scared? I don't understand even a single cluck you are saying!
Why are you talking in the chicken language?
ALPHA NIGHTMARE KRS Murthy Fed up of crossing all the Ts Dotting all the Is It is so tiring to be a perfectionist!
Such a good feeling to let my hair down. No make up No need to be preppy Glad to be one among
the others who take it easier No more walking on the perfect tight rope Ears free of all the applause
Expectation free No more unhappy to be second, third or the last in the race; can even afford to be lost in
the race Indistinguishable in the crowd No more heaviness of all the gold medals, Free of pain of all the pat
on the back, all day long. No flashing lights on my face Nor any spot light every where I walk Now I
am a real citizen of the world No more boot camps, Mother Sergeant! Sorry Mom and Dad! I did it
all for you, all these years. Let me live, please, now on. Just my life. Can do nothing all day long!
No guilt to cloud over me. Washed all make up from my face Of an Alpha male No more acting the role
I hated. "Wake up son! It is already late for school. Don't forget to make your bed, Before you
go to the bath room!" Oh God! I am awake! Nightmare started, again! Let me go back to my sweet dream,
ANGEL VOICE KRS Murthy Sweet words landed surfing to the shores of my ears High and low, riding on the tides
of the full moon Impelled by the waves upon waves of warm breath Messages carried from the ocean depths of your
heart Very calm in the core, yet simple small ripples Grow to surges, sky high, intimate persuasions Tantalize
and tickle my senses as melody in my ears Beyond sound vibrations, transduction to ecstasy Do angels speak into
our ears or simply reach out to our hearts? Sing love lullabies in our dreams, or really adorn our love castle!
CELEBRATION MADNESS KRS Murthy Let us open a bottle of Champaign, to celebrate every hour. Just a glass of
wine, or even a cup of coffee will do it There is so much to celebrate in this world all the time Around the
clock, every few minutes, good things happen Can you hear a baby cry coming out of the womb? A couple wedding
for life and going on honeymoon A businessman getting a big contract for millions A ball game with a team winning,
little kids in fun So many people happy and grateful for their blessings Why do you need to be selfish to celebrate
only for you? Happiness is still the same even if your enemy wins Isn't happiness bottom line whatever be the
reason? Didn't you feel happy when a cute puppy was born, just to see it happen somewhere in the neighborhood?
When one team wins in a ball game, even if it is not yours Why can't you celebrate, even if you did not cheer
for it to win? It takes very little to build a sense of belonging to the winning team Celebrate once in your
life for other's happiness, and smile with them Watch the magic happen only once to make a believer of you You
will have contracted the celebration madness once for all It is quite ok that I do not have any success today Why
should I be sorry to have failed in my life? I am eager to celebrate for the success of the world For my heart reverberates
with every smiling soul
LOVE BIRD'S NEST K.R.S. Murthy Scent before the sight Song before the bird Warmth before the hug Love
before the union (These four lines are sung by the chorus singers) (The four stanzas of two lines each are
sung by lead singers. Different stanzas by different lead singers first and then repeated by all the lead singers) A
colorful bird made its nest in my heart Never seen before, nor the sweet music heard Flew from afar, onto my
wrist, with closed palm Beating its wings, beating my heart, to let it open Hurry! Feed the soul that is hungry
all the while Alas! The bird has already nested in my soul The door closed shut in a flash, to be closed forever
Forever and ever, no place for all the strangers Note: I may change the words a little bit to suit the tune
as I compose the detailed music. I will start tuning shortly, even though I have the basic tune in my mind. I am very open
if anyone wants to work with me on the tune and music composition. Please contact me if you are interested)

CLOWNING IS FUN KRS Murthy Let us be fools Make funny faces like a buffoon Color the faces like a circus
clown Plug the nose with red sponge ball Let us juggle, jumble and fumble Trip on invisible things Fall
down on our faces Scream loud and silly with a fake cry Point to the teardrop painted so very real below the eyes
with a spit licked on to the finger Walk with a limping leg behind an unsuspecting naïve victim Poke
his ears with a tickling feather Watch him scream scared and run away It is all for play Smile for no reason
Laugh loud have fun Laugh every way we can
ABSOLUTION ASSURANCE KRS Murthy I remember the times my mind vomited eruptions of stinking gooey green liquid
every time I remembered how you made me feel by rejecting me on my rainy days. My soul sobbed with cries
and hick ups thinking of the unbearable sad moments you turned your head away with no pity ignoring my severely
torn bleeding heart. Nightmares chased me in broad daylights soaking me wet inside my own sweat pool sinking
my confidence deep submerged in desperation robbing all my zeal oxygen. All my hopes were buried in a graveyard,
closed tight in a coffin of total insecurity in an anonymous tomb with no capstone guaranteed of zero chance of
resurrection. You have no reason to hide in the fortress safely hunkered down in the cruelty castle laying
flat deep in your cowardly bunkers scared for your life of my revenge bullets. I bare no arms even for my own
protection. Locked my anger long ago with an oath seal, never to quench even the simplest revenge, only to fly
high with pardoning pair of wings. Oath to shelter even the snakes that bite hard, embrace the enemy with a warm
friendly hug, wear the forgiveness smile always on my face, shed the pain skin to gain a tolerance within.
ARE WE RICH? KRS Murthy Dad! All my friends were discussing today To know when we have really become rich
To be sure that we are rich is not easy at all As I do not know what is being rich anymore Are you rich
when you have lots of money? Do not need any more money to say enough Just like I have felt that I can't eat
any more In a full stomach after a really tasty big meal Do you ever get enough to say no more please? How
can I my find a stomach to put my money? That just refuses to eat any more money to force feed The tummy warns
with a hurt really badly, when I ignore When I feed anymore by force clearly spells pain Just enough is happiness,
and too much really means less Less happiness than before, and the money doctor Will cruelly prescribe fasting
for the rest of your life If you still ignore the doctor, you will win a ticket A free ticket to a non-stop bullet
train to the grave Always had this question even when I was a little girl Never asked this question as you were
busy being rich Is it too late now to ask kneeling in front of your grave? For you can't answer while you are
taking a long rest You probably never knew whether you were rich enough For your parents never taught you the
important lesson Born unlucky with my stomach full as you ate for me Probably enough for my children and grandchildren
too Let me go on an immediate workout regiment to give away Give to all who were lucky born hungry to parents
who ate Bred a generation of hungry souls who knew when to quit Walk away from the dinner table before it is
too much Give away to the needy, and beg for their blessing on me For my generation to regain the precious healthy
hunger Embrace the ritual of the sacred penance of giving myself Give as much as my soul pleads me to do, and
do listen Treasure the sharing of my fortunes, and gain in sharing Like palming water from the vast ocean, just
to return it Back to the vastness to feel the fortune of playing the role Of a giver and take the proud bow with
the divine gratitude Dr. Murthy said.... Start giving away yours little at a time To feel the pride
and joy of giving Then give up the pride and joy it self Giving away the ego of giving To really know what is
giving Giving is just giving up your Self
Table of Contents January 2000
AT LAST! KRS Murthy Opportunity raindrops are very slowly dripping in the disaster city haunted by poverty
draught washing away decades of curse dirt. Expectation seeds are finally germinating as the victim larva
jailed in the cocoon buried forgotten in the fate mud is suddenly surprised waking up from the long nightmare.
Any day, daydreams may be adorning the spring child like pearls of bud, eagerly smirking to bloom, to
sprinkle the air with prosperity perfume. Heavens are lighting the blesses candle shining lightening glows on
the neglected soil. Silent prayers have ascended to the clouds as the delayed thunder signals the cracking
of the opening heavens doors locked shut for the condemned unfortunate souls. The heavens have been cured from
the prejudice blindness, negligence deafness, and the wickedness insanity. The justice Sun is embarrassed
with a big blood red face peaking through hope horizon. Deep sigh breeze is blowing away the bad air
of hard times. New day baby has born unaware of its past incarnation. It only knows to smile! The
miracle mist in the air, at last!