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On this page I'll list previous issues of my e-zine. Here's an example of the format I might use.

Issue #1, December 1999

KRS Murthy

The tree down under feeding the leafs above
Buried tentacles sucking the mother's breasts
Siphoning the nectar to nurture the plump fruits
Symmetry hiding in shyness under green beauty

Hardworking army bringing the honey home
Busy studs serenading surrounding the lady
In competition to impregnate the big queen
Sisters nursing the newcomers with devotion

Boiling molten metal rivers hidden streaming
Gushing through the shaking fire spitting giant
Gift of wealth from the mother's treasure chest
Fiery dancer kissing the sky with fuming breath

Smile Mom! Many of the mothers in the roots past
Mothers in my dad's family tree hidden tentacles
Genes melding, flowing through your roots core
Generations smile in reflections of my green grin

Here I'll include a link so you can take a look at this issue if you want.

Here I may include a link to download this issue.